Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hamilton Beach 100, getting quicker at this...

The second foray into the HB world, but the first that I actually own, is going along well. I should mention that the motor was seized up when it arrived, and was listed as such on the ebay auction. It was the right model, for the right price... $15. At some point I will put together a post about the different models and what actually was different about them. Fortunately, it probably was run without being oiled and friction locked the commutator shaft in place on the top end. Regardless, the bushings are snug, which I am very glad to not have to worry about. In the previous post about it, are pictures of the before. Now were here in the "after". Mind you, it's only the beginning, but I am pretty pleased how little time invested has resulted in quite a bit more progress.

The first step was to start breaking it down into major components.

Once the remaining parts had been removed from the lower end, it was time for a much needed bath for the housing. Dawn and an old toothbrush, followed up by Brasso and said toothbrush did a great job of cleaning and degreasing.

Following that, the polishing wheel came out with the dremel, and while it's not where I want it to be yet, it is much closer than I thought at first. The balance are just some comparison shots taken for evaluation.

Hopefully next post will have a mostly, if not complete lower housing. Right now it is clean and empty, polish to happen soon.

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