Thursday, September 29, 2011

White Cross vs. HB Type C.

As I wrote the previous 2 posts, another Type C was on it's way. It has arrived, and due to the interest that the other one had generated, and my inability to demonstrate its power to the Bard, and Young Kubrick, who recently was indoctrinated to the ways of the White Cross.

Yesterday I went over to the Bard's to help put her kitchen back together after repainting, and took with the new, and hastily cleaned up Type C. Once we were finished with the appliance wrangling and related post-painting tasks, the hilarity could really begin.

We move into the living room, the Bard goes and fishes out the White Cross from the bedroom, for comparison. I get the Type C out of the case, having only done a bit of cleaning/polishing on it the night before. We briefly compare the differences in size between the two, with the Type C being bigger in every dimension. It doesn't seem so different until you put them next to each other. I plug each in and we start out with the WC, being the benchmark by which the Type C shall be judged. Both the Bard and Kubrick have previously experienced the WC, so it's a short refresher course. With some trepidation and amusement, we set the WC aside, and fire up the Type C.

It's noticeably louder than the WC, which is partially because it is looser fitting since some of the output bushings have deteriorated and shrank over time. These are similar to the leather washers from the WC, but shaped differently. The other instantly obvious difference to whoever is wielding it, is the amount of vibration that is being transmitted into the handle and operators hand. After shutting it off, your hand still feels like its shaking and tingly, as though using a weedwacker.

At first, the Bard runs her fingertips along the edge of the ball attachment that was currently screwed into it. She shuddered at the difference in intensity, then became wide eyed, almost giggly with the order of magnitude it has over the WC.

Kubrick is next, and puts it onto his leg, about an inch above the knee, as I suggested. The vibration is so strong that it will be felt all the way to the toes. His gaze snaps forward, equally impressed and amazed at the difference in intensity. He then puts it onto the back of his neck, craning his head a bit and continues on about how this is the strongest thing he has ever felt. There is no argument it is the strongest vibrator we've ever encountered.

Following that, I took out the disc attachment, which is a flat bakelite disc about 3" in diameter. I start it up again, and put it down on the Bard's thigh, just above the knee as with Kubrick, and the increase in strength of the sensation is also apparent. The ball is better for deep tissue, but there is just so much power on tap the disc is almost better because it can disperse that force over a wider area, but still with the same effect. It's amazing.

I'll dedicate another post to visually introducing it, and the evening's cleanup work that went into it later.

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