So I've been a little behind in updating, finally having a little free time now to write.
A couple weeks ago, I was trolling around ebay looking for Violet Rays of the vintage sort. In particular, the Elco models. There but before my eyes appears a Model 12, in what looks like rough, but workable shape. The price couldn't be beat, so after a little mental deliberation, and conferring with the Bard, I decide, what the hell. I buy it. As if I needed another project.
It duly arrives, a week and change later, and while the insides were packed brilliantly, the outside was loose in the shipping box, and had been kicked around by UPS for a week. The lid was no longer attached to the frame of the box, and some other incidental damage. I was not pleased. Because the price was good, I wasn't going to make a scene about it on ebay, but at the same time, I made my point to the seller about packing it with some padding around it. The seller was very good about it, but it's still a mess. I haven't tested the glass, and am working on the metal electrodes. More pictures will be forthcoming once I get it apart and see how the back side of it is set up. It's significantly more complex than the No. 7, so I'm curious as to what exactly the binding posts are delivering power wise. This thing also included some vibrator attachments, which would have gone along with the kit originally, but the vibrator itself isn't with it.
At any rate, here's what we're starting with...
Hiya, I'm wondering about attempting to replace the capacitor and cables in one from this period. Any advice on a spec for the former? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI have been using 2 0.1uf 1000V rated ceramic caps that are soldered in parallel with a little extra wire to reach the binding posts. I picked them up at a local shop (Fry's), but if you want something with a higher voltage rating, look at Digi-Key. I experimented with some 630V rated mylar units, but they lasted less than 5 minutes before melting and smoking.
ReplyDeleteDepending on what make/model/age of unit you're working on, the capacitance required will also change some. If you're lucky, the original part may still have that information printed on it. My experience thus far:
Electro Technic Products (ETP) = 0.1uf 1000V
Renulife Model R and M = 0.2uf 1000V
Elco No. 7 and 12 = 0.2uf 1000V
As far as cabling, I've been using replacing the worn out originals pulley cord from Sundial Wire.
Feel free to email me if you'd like to know more.